Invoices created in Adage that have the "Send Electronically" box flagged, generate a flat file for EDI to pickup and process:
The files are preprocessed by EDI to sort them under folders by EDI Partner where they become input flat files for outbound EDI documents.
EDI invoices (810 and 880) are sent out every 12 hours at 3:20 and 3:25.

EDI input flat files are located under the \\VEDI\Edata\Input\FF\Rename folder
To locate and hold an invoice, open \\VEDI\Edata\Input\FF\Rename folder
Sort content by Date descending
Search for *.eif files
When sorted by date the invoice files will typically be at the top of the list. If not there, wait an appropriate amount of time for EDI to pickup the outbound files from TEE (2-3 minutes).
Invoice eif files start with '01Bill To ', see example below

Open the files in Notepad to find the correct file for the invoice.  PRFX_DOC_NBR= Invoice Number
After locating the correct invoice files to hold, right-click on the file and select "Open file location".
There will be a sub-folder named "HOLD" in the file location. 
Simply drag the file into the HOLD folder to prevent EDI from processing the invoice file.